Home Cookin’ – Sneaky Salt Pumpkin Seeds

Sneaky SaltEvery year, the kids have to carve pumpkins.  Not the most fun, but not horrible.  The upside?  I’m the beneficiary of the seeds, a treat I really like.

Mrs. Burgerdogboy concocted her own recipe this year, using Sneaky Salts, and the results were superb.

Here’s how it unfolded:


Seeds from one large pumpkin

1 c brewed coffee

1 T Sneaky Salt Sriracha flavor

1 t Olive Oil

Wash the seeds in a colander and remove any remaining pumpkin pulp.  Shake the colander to remove excess water.  Pour the cup of coffee over the seeds and shake again to remove excess moisture.

Spread the seeds on a sheet of parchment and place on a baking pan and sprinkle with the olive oil.  Preheat oven to 450, and bake the seeds for 15 minutes, stirring every five minutes.  Sprinkle the Sneaky Salts to taste.

The result is a fresh, hot, slightly spicy salty snack.  Delicious!

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