You’ve been asking for pix for years, and we have decided to come out from behind our anonymity, and hope we don’t get recognized at too many restaurants that we’re trying to sneak in and out of undercover!
Here’s the backstory: Mrs Burgerdogboy was the child of a gypsy family, travelers, as they say, and when things got tough, they traded her for a new caravan, so they could continue their wandering ways. She never saw nor heard from them again, and was raised by mail order parents in Tehachapi, California.
Mr Burgerdogboy was not so fortunate. Escaping from a meat packing plant wearing only his natural casing, he embodies the picture perfect self-made sausage, a real hot dog, who made his first fortune exploring work he relished.
They met and fell in love years later, at a lonely crossroads in Mississippi, (yes, that crossroads) both on their way to nowhere. Despite being a “mixed marriage” (as awkward as say, a Swede and Norwegian getting together), their love and marriage has blossomed, and they have produced a ten pack of little weenies, as they don’t believe in using condiments, and Mrs. Burgerdogboy has really attractive buns.