Birmingham, AL – Pete’s

Birmingham provided an amusement with “Pete’s Famous Hot Dogs,” which the sign on the door claims “Est. 1920,” but the reality is it opened its doors in 1915, and the present proprietor has been on site since 1948.  There’s not much going on in downtown Birmingham these days, lots of empty 12-15 story office buildings, so I imagine Pete’s has seen better days.  Boasting it’s claim as the “narrowest restaurant in Birmingham” (good thing they didn’t say Alabama, Chris would give them a run for their toppings) – Pete’s is perhaps 24 feet long, and 6-8 feet wide, and also like Chris’, the key is to order them “All the Way,” which means exactly the same thing it does at Chris’ — the exception being that Pete’s sauce is a little thinner, a lot less red, and a bit more peppery.

Both Chris’ and Pete’s give the “appearance” of being spicier than they actually are, I think.  I believe the texture of the sauerkraut leaves one’s palate with the misinformation that the ingredients contain more onion and pepper than they actually do.  Just my perception.

My sole regret from the trip is that none of these restaurants which bear my own name offered merchandise for sale.  I’m always up for apparel that might state something like “Enjoy Pete’s Wienie.”  I’m big into the whole self-promotion thing. (insert appropriate audience response).


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