I’m not a fan of packaged meats, but at my neighborhood Winco @ 3AM the other night (one will frequently find me in groceries past midnight, avoiding the crowds), the deli counter wasn’t open, or course, and I had a hankering for corned beef, which they did not have in a package (except the uncooked brisket variety). So I picked up this pastrami (Redi-Roast is a Cargill brand), and I have to say, it’s surprisingly good. One reason I eschew packaged meats (even most grocery deli counters, the selections are of the “pressed, chopped, and form” variety) is a) I don’t really care for the texture, and b) for years my school lunches contained sandwiches of packaged $.59 cent lunch meats: ham, roast beef, corned beef, turkey, which would have been completely interchangeable, were it not for a slight coloration difference.
Anyway, at home, we much prefer hand-slicing a real roast or ham. But I might try some of the other varieties of Redi-Roast. As I said, ‘taint so bad. Something you can laugh about here. I carp about texture, but on the same trip, I picked up a chub of braunschweiger. LOL.