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Send your reviews, photos, and rebuttals to or just use our comment feature. Including a pic of the restaurant exterior and menu is helpful, and/or a link. Be sure to include the city, and whether or not you want your name published (aliases ok). (We will never use your email addresses for anything, period.)


You know what they say about opinions…..they are like….(noses?)….everybody’s got one.

The opinions expressed in these posts are mine, and mine alone.  The outcome of any given review is dependent on many things… personal likes, dislikes; the quality of butter on the table; the weather that day;  the mood of Mrs. Burgerdogboy;  how much money I have; whether I see restaurant employees or owners acting like jerks.  And so on and so forth.

My qualifications for making the judgments that are expressed here?   None. Zip. Zero. Nada.  Like most food critics.

Your tastes invariably will be different than mine, and your mileage may vary. Do not fold, spindle or mutilate unless asked to.  Keep that in mind when deciding to visit a restaurant or try a certain food.   And always remember what a difficult job it is to run or work in a restaurant, and how you can’t please everybody all of the time.

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To ship food or kitchen utensils, appliances, gadgets  for testing/review, contact us in advance for shipping specifics, also at

Sponsored reviews range from $0 -$500, dependent upon the work involved (distributing samples, gathering feedback) and my personal passion for the product or service.

We undertake special writing/travel assignments, due diligence for businesses. Rates upon request.

Thanks for your support.