After seeing this very charming movie tonight, I am almost tempted to replicate task of the blogger “Julie” in the film – wherein she cooked all of Julia Child’s recipes in her first book in one year, I’m kind of tempted to try to consume 30 burgers in 30 days. Coincidentally, both Portland Monthly and Chicago Magazine came out with lists this week of the best 30 burgers in their respective cities. OK, so I really won’t do it (I did, after all, see “Supersize Me”, and am cognizant of the effects of such a culinary course of action!
Have you ever gone on a binge where you only ate the same thing for a period of time? I once ate nothing but one can of Tuna each day for a month, and somehow gained weight. Go figure.
Go see this movie, all serious foodies should. You will believe Meryl Streep is Julia Child, and you will come away hungry!