Well, any place you can get a 5 cent cup of coffee is an oasis, right? But what pulled me in off the Interstate were the many billboards proclaiming “BUFFALO BURGERS!” Ah, but would they have them at the crack of dawn? We will see.
Pulling into the block long Al’s Oasis, it looks very much like it’s trying to be another version of Wall Drug, with knick knack shops, a cafe, various locally made food items for sale. The dining room was chockablock with hungry man diners, and I was not allowed to sit down, because I was not wearing orange. (OK, kidding, but it’s hunting season here, and the dining room was ablaze with orange hats and clothing). Perusing the menu, I was disappointed that it was breakfast items only, so I had to get Jack Nicholson creative with my ordering, and ended up with a Buffalo patty and a couple eggs and toast. Damn those South Dakotans, I’d make my own buffalo burger!
And I did, and ate my buffalo on top of a buffalo. It was a nice meaty patty, hand-formed, about a third pound. Tasted like all the other buffalo burgers I have had — like a burger! Nice way to start the day tho, burgers. I’ll have to remember that more often. I tossed the eggs and hash browns. Lewis and Clark stood on this same spot the sign sez. Maybe their ghosts would like a couple over easy.