Asian Burger Reporter Kayoumin checked in from Taipei today, where he visited “Burgerhood,” and pronounced the bacon/cheese burger as good as any in the US (we did a burger tour of the Southwest some years ago where his favorites were Whataburger and In N Out.)
He had no idea why the German flag was planted in the burger. I looked for other descriptions/reviews online and found one in Mandarin, which machine translation puked out this version in English. If you’ve lived or traveled in China, you know this makes perfect (non) sense!
The fries just exploded the loose rosin fragrant fries primary taste not too many processing quantities, although not many, but very delicious here draws a city, in has in the victory and defeat situation to look that mutually which style decoration you did like with the atmosphere Bravo comparison.
BTW, check out Kayoumin’s website if you’re looking for a French National Entertainer who sings love songs in Mandarin! (And who isn’t?)